
64 items

Rainbow Roses in BOUQUET!!

One Dozen Rainbow Rose Bouquet

One Dozen Rainbow Rose Bouquet

$75.00 $140.00

Red Roses

Beautiful Red Roses

Beautiful Red Roses

$49.00 $99.00

Rex Begonia Hanging Basket

The fabulous foliage of Rex begonias (Begonia Rex-cultorum group) offers a large range of colors,...

The fabulous foliage of Rex begonias (Begonia Rex-cultorum group) offers a large range of colors, shapes, and textures. The flowers are insignificant, but with leaves like these, who cares? Rex begonias headline the show for months on end in any shade garden, especially when grown in containers. These plants prefer shaded, humid conditions and rich, aerated soil like that found on the forest floor.



Fresh Rosemary Herb small in pot.

Fresh Rosemary Herb small in pot.


Small orchid Garden

This orchid garden is composed of three tea cup orchids. It has lots of buds and blooms which are...

This orchid garden is composed of three tea cup orchids. It has lots of buds and blooms which are smaller in nature.  A nice gift that’s not rough on the budget Perfect to brighten up your kitchen or bathroom window.

$49.00 $55.00

Sour Sop Tree

3 Gallon Pot. Also known as Guanabana. Fast Growing!  The leaves make Great Tea!  

3 Gallon Pot. Also known as Guanabana. Fast Growing!  The leaves make Great Tea!  


Vanda hanging orchid in bud and bloom

Beautiful hanging Vanda orchid in bud and bloom.  Colors are assorted.

Beautiful hanging Vanda orchid in bud and bloom.  Colors are assorted.


White Orchid

White Orchid

White Orchid


White Roses

White Roses

White Roses

$60.00 $80.00